Đặt câu với từ "was condemned to death|be condemn to death"

1. He was condemned to death.

2. Charles I was condemned to death.

3. He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.

4. He was condemned by the Sanhedrin and stoned to death.

5. The prisoner condemned to death was reprieved for two years.

6. In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death.

7. 20 In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death.

8. Tireless, she came back once more and was condemned to death.

9. 19 The prisoner condemned to death was reprieved for two years.

10. Fatally offended, the jury condemned him to death.

11. So Nehor was condemned to die, and suffered “an ignominious death” (Alma 1:15).

12. That same night He was accused of the crime of blasphemy and condemned to death.

13. Consul, you know it's unlawful for us...... to condemn any man to death.

14. They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.

15. After a three-day-long debate, all six were condemned to death.

16. She was condemned to death, together with some cattle thieves and sheep stealers, but no hangman was available.

17. You'd be bored to death.

18. I was worried to death.

19. He was put to death.

20. She was trod to death.

21. He was battered to death .

22. Polikarpov was sentenced to death.

23. He was doomed to death.

24. Firstly, cardiac death would be reduced but not death due to stroke.

25. Fourthly, neither death due to stroke nor cardiac death would be reduced.

26. Secondly, death due to stroke would be reduced but not cardiac death.

27. Death to Death Imprison- ment to 10

28. Andrel Anthony was supposed to be a death blow to Michigan State

29. Sometimes, the condemned person would be Cudgeled to death upon the wheel, as the spokes allowed a club or cudgel to pass through it

30. The murderer was put to death.

31. The defendant was sentenced to death.

32. The serf was trod to death.

33. Androcles and a number of other Christians are evenutally arrested and condemned to death in the arena.

34. Condemn verb [T] (CRITICIZE) to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons: The movie was Condemned for glorifying violence. Condemn verb [T] (PUNISH)

35. Death was Attributable to gunshot wounds

36. The criminal was doomed to death.

37. My dad was hacked to death.

38. And I was scared to death.

39. Finally he was put to death.

40. (Genesis 13:7-11) Acting as patriarchal head and judge, Judah condemned his daughter-in-law Tamar to be stoned to death and burned, believing that she was an adulteress.

41. Be a disengagement to a person to death?

42. Strongly/roundly condemn: The statement was roundly Condemned by members of the opposition party

43. The whale had to be put to death.

44. I want my death to be boring.

45. 18 I was literally bored to death!

46. Death was considered vastly preferable to dishonor.

47. He was sentenced to death by electrocution.

48. Condemn someone for (doing) something: He was widely Condemned for his behaviour after the match

49. Death was considered vastly preferable to dishonour.

50. Her death was a shock to him.

51. As was to be expected, all defendants were found guilty and sentenced to death.

52. Within the 18th and 19th centuries, even though the act of Buggery would condemn you to death other sentences could

53. The death may be physical in that he exposes himself to death-dealing sexually transmitted diseases.

54. It'll be my recommendation to the magistrate that Red Killeen's death was accidental.

55. Death was conquered!

56. Bellingham was found guilty, and was sentenced to death.

57. That's got to be the kiss of death.

58. To tell the truth, I was frightened to death .

59. The final death toll remains to be tallied.

60. We consider the death penalty to be barbaric.

61. His death sentence was Commuted to life imprisonment.

62. His illness was subsequent to his wife's death.

63. He was stabbed to death in a fight.

64. I was horrified to hear of his death.

65. His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

66. The death sentence was Commutable to life imprisonment

67. The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

68. He was bludgeoned to death with a hammer.

69. She was able to face death with serenity.

70. He was hacked to death by the mob.

71. As verbs the difference between condemned and Contemned is that condemned is (condemn) while Contemned is (contemn)

72. Asphyxiation was long thought to be the cause of death of constrictors' prey, but recent studies have found that death occurs far too rapidly for it to be that alone

73. 🔊 In Lisa’s mind, the death of her beloved dog was Akin to the death of a …

74. He seemed to know that he was near to death.

75. Leningrad will be either Beleaguer or starved to death

76. Must be experienced riders willing to risk death daily.

77. When he's sentenced to death, he must be executed.

78. A “releasing” to be with Christ immediately after death?

79. Indeed, Evangelicals considered fear of death to be salutary.

80. She was willing to risk death to save her motherland.